74% of UK parents believe that games are educational, according to a new Microsoft 'Play Safe, Play Smart' study.

MS says the study "uncovers the differing views of parents and children when it comes to attitudes to safe gaming".

The findings of the survey back up a statement issued by the European Parliament's Internal Market Committee, which stated that games "broadly beneficial effect on the mental development of children", and that "video games do not only have a recreational value, but can also be used for educational and medical purposes". Except for Mirror's Edge. That's good for nobody (yes, we've been playing/getting frustrated with it recently).

Apparently, 61% of UK parents state that games are a great social experience, 52% feel gaming brings their families together and 80% see the pastime as a vital component in a balanced blend of modern and traditional entertainment.

73% of UK parents are aware of parental controls on game consoles while 94% feel personally responsible for checking the age rating of the games their kids play... but obviously don't.

"We are very encouraged to see that so many parents are using the PEGI age rating system," said Interactive Software Federation of Europe boss Simon Little.

em: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=209837

Good for you, UK moms. This data comes from a new Microsoft Play Safe, Play Smart study, which, according to Microsoft, "uncovers the differing views of parents and children when it comes to attitudes to safe gaming."

Microsoft-only survey or not, it's nice to hear that some parents have open minds, though I don't think that most of the games their kids are playing are that educational these days. I suppose that 'headshots kill faster' is a valid lesson.

As a person that plays games daily for a living, I can say that I haven't learned sh*t from games in a long time. Oh well. Don't tell mum.

Here's more data from the same study pulled from UK parents:

* 61% think that games are a good social experience
* 52% think games bring families together
* 73% are aware of parental controls on consoles
* 94% feel responsible for checking ratings
* 80% think gaming is "a vital component in a balanced blend of modern and traditional entertainment"

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