Diferenças de SF4 na PS3 e XBOX360

Publicada por SIDSIDSID On 04:42

First impressions of both versions are very promising. The key component is the 60fps gameplay, and that is entirely identical between the two systems. The only difference comes down to the limitations of each system's controllers, but even they performed better than I expected. Personally, I wasn't a big fan of Capcom's Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, mainly because the Xbox 360 d-pad in particular is absolutely woeful. Not wishing to shell out any more money for additional pads, the game turned out to be a complete waste of the requisite 1,200 Microsoft Points. Playing the PS3 version later, I was still hardly impressed with performance of the basic pad there, either. The old six-button SEGA Saturn pad was sorely missed.

The differences are still worth checking out though from a technical perspective, so in addition to my Eurogamer piece, examine this screenshot work from MazingerDUDE, who first reported that the PS3 version of the game dynamically switches from 720p to 630p when the close-ups are invoked. WipEout HD has a similar, albeit more advanced method of changing resolution, but that relies on the PS3’s horizontal scaler… Street Fighter IV’s scaling is entirely software-based.

Continua em: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/face-off-street-fighter-iv-article

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