Análise do Street Fighter IV e DLC modo torneio

Publicada por SIDSIDSID On 02:55

Gamespot review - 9/10

The good:

* Gorgeous character models, animations, and background art
* Comprehensive multiplayer modes
* Accessible but nuanced gameplay
* Plenty of replay value for completionists.

The bad:

* No tournament mode
* Online play suffers if either fighter's connection is slow.

Street Fighter IV will welcome you with open arms, whether you're a lapsed fan concerned that you've been out of the loop for too long or you're dipping your toes for the first time. Amazing presentation, intricate and enjoyable fighting gameplay, and long-term appeal with online play make this a must-have. Street Fighter IV is undoubtedly one of the finest examples of the fighting genre in this generation.


E o modo torneio????

Capcom announces Street Fighter IV DLC

The game isn't even released yet, and already Capcom is talking about its first list of updates for Street Fighter IV.

Most important of them is the Championship Pack, a free download which includes a few updates for the retail game to help enhance the overall Street Fighter experience. A new Replay Mode will allow you to record your fight and share it with others. A new Points system will let you measure your fighting skills in both Championship and Tournament points, and the update also introduces the Enhanced Tournament Matching System to provide better matchmaking for beginner and mid-level skill players, with competitors also earning Grade Points which grant access to higher level tournies.

Capcom has also announced their plans to release costume packs during the first month of the game's release. From February 17th to March 17th, the company will release one pack each week, with each pack containing five new costumes and costing $4 / 320 Microsoft Points on their respective consoles.

Hit the jump for the full list of costume packs, including release dates and a character-by-character list of who's getting new threads each week.

* 2/17 – Brawler Pack DLC Pack will include alternate costumes for: Zangeif, E.Honda, Rufus, El Furete, and Abel.

* 2/24 – Femme Fatale Pack will include alternate costumes for: Chun-Li, Cammy, Sakura, Rose, and C.Viper.

* 3/3/09 – Shoruken Pack will include alternate costumes for: Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Gouken, and Dan.

* 3/10/09 – Shadowloo Pack will include alternate costumes for: Seth, M.Bison, Sagat, Balrog, and Vega.

* 3/17/09 – Classic Pack will include alternate costumes for: Guile, Dhalsim, Fei-Long, Blanka, and Gen.


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